Withdrawal Policy

1. Introduction

The "Journal of Management Science Research Review" (JMSRR) is committed to publishing high-quality research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of management science. We understand that circumstances may arise where authors need to withdraw their manuscript after submission. This policy outlines the process for manuscript withdrawal and the associated consequences.

2. Grounds for Withdrawal

Authors may request to withdraw their manuscript for the following reasons:

In addition to the above, JMSRR reserves the right to request or require withdrawal of a manuscript if:

3. Withdrawal Process

Authors who wish to withdraw their manuscript should submit a formal request to the JMSRR editorial office by email. The request should clearly state the reason for withdrawal and the manuscript title and reference number.

4. Consequences of Withdrawal

The consequences of withdrawal will vary depending on the stage of the manuscript review process:

5. Appeals

Authors who disagree with a decision regarding their withdrawal request may appeal to the Editor-in-Chief. Appeals should be submitted in writing and state the specific grounds for the appeal. The Editor-in-Chief's decision will be final.
